The National Housing & Mortgage Program Agreement

Bank of Palestine in partnership with the Palestinian Investment Fund (PIF),

Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), and the International Finance Corporation (IFC), signed on 14/4/2008 the National Housing & Mortgage Program Agreement for the low and middle-income people. The program aims to give low and middle-income people the opportunity to own an apartment through affordable loans with long-term maturities reaching to 25 years; this has been concretized through the establishment of Al-Amal Company for Home mortgage, a company that offers affordable loans for middle and low-income people. The signing ceremony was under patronage of President Mahmoud Abbas with the presence of Prime Minister, Dr. Salam Fayyad, Envoy of the Quartet on the Middle East, Mr. Tony Blair, Chairman and General Manager of Bank of Palestine, Mr. Hashim Shawa, CEO of Palestine Investment Fund, Dr. Mohammad Mustafa, and President and CEO of OPIC, Mr. Robert Mosbacher, IFC Executive Vice President and CEO, Mr. Lars Thunell.

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