Bank of Palestine Launches Women Support Campaign on March 8 and Mother’s Day

BOP launched a special campaign for the support of women in Palestine with the view of encouraging them to open bank accounts and use BOP financial services. The campaign, which coincides with the International Women’s Day and Mother’s Day, will go on until the end of March 2014. The campaign aims to trigger women participation in the different financial fields and increase their banking awareness.

Women who open a bank account at BOP for a minimum of USD 20 or women who activate their accounts (deposit, statement update, internal/external transfers or deposit assessment) will be eligible for taking part in the drawing of 150 prizes for USD 100 each in the form of a Cash Card. The drawing will take place on 6 April 2014 and will include all women over 18.

BOP attaches great importance to Palestinian women especially its own female employees. It provides a comfortable environment for women and working mothers, and promotes equal rights between the sexes. Moreover, BOP has raised the number of working women from 17% in 2007 up to 25% by the end of 13%. The bank seeks to raise this ratio to 50%. Furthermore, BOP organizes corporate social responsibility programs toward the enhancement of the role of women, and continues to develop products and services that meet the needs of Palestinian women. BOP works closely with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), member of the World Bank Group, in order to enhance the role of women, meet their financial needs and encourage them to engage in business and launch income generating enterprises.

BOP Chairman of the Board and General Manager Mr Hashim Al-Shawa said part of the bank’s strategy is to empower women and provide them with work opportunities. Through development and change women can have a more effective and efficient role in society, Al-Shawa added, adding that BOP offers its female staff senior positions. Moreover, BOP seeks to provide financial services that meet women’s needs and advises them on non-financial matters to help them advance in all walks of life.

Finally, BOP has recently started collecting information on women’s needs especially owners of SMEs in cooperation with women empowerment societies and develop financial and non-financial/consultation services that would incentivize women engage in vital economic enterprises.

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