BoP and Wataniya Mobile hold ceremony to award successful high school students


 BoP and Wataniya Mobile organized  a lunch ceremony for high school students that won free university credit hours with the BoP-Wataniya Mobile campaign last summer. The ceremony was started with the Palestinian National Anthem, followed by a speech delievered by Alaa Eddin Al Redwan, Deputy General Manager and COO of BoP. Al Redwan stated that BoP’s support for successful high school students is an annual tradition for BoP, stemming out of the bank’s belief in the important of youth and education, which constitutes a big part of BoP’s CSR commitment. Last year, BoP initiated “Zamalah” a 5-year program that aims at developing the caliber of Palestinian University professors. BoP has also given several scholarships to distinguished and needy students, in addition to hundreds of accredited university hours and a reward of $50 for students who passed high school examinations with 80% or more.


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