Bank of Palestine Launches “For Gaza’s Children” Campaign

Bank of Palestine declared the launching of its new campaign “ For Gaza’s Children “ by which the bank donates one USD dollar for each buying transaction on credit and debit cards through its points of sale that are spread all over the country.


This campaign is one of the bank’s efforts and constant quest to support the children of Gaza and to alleviate their suffering. Through this campaign BoP will offer the instant required help for the ill and injured people and for the ones who were affected by the Israeli last war.


Mr. Hashim Shawa “General Manager and Chairman of Board of Directors of BoP”, declared that the Bank launched this campaign because of its deep belief of its social responsibility towards its people specially in this severe circumstances that oblige all the good people to present their help for the people and children, in particular, in the Gaza Strip who suffer the misery of siege and the pain of war.


Mr. Shawa added: “Bank of Palestine was established by Palestinian hands; and therefore it is its responsibility to stand by them through these difficult circumstances”. Then he confirmed that “BOP seeks to develop the Palestinian individual by all means available”, and he stressed that economic development is closely linked to community development; i.e., they cannot be separated.

He also said that Bank of Palestine had been the first initiative to help our people in the Gaza Strip since the beginning of the war. BoPs’ ATMs were working all the time during the war; i.e., money was available for people even through the most difficult situations. In addition, we opened some of our branches, he said, to help the traders send money orders so as they can import goods and supplies, which were needed during the war. “From the beginning of the war, he added, all the employees of BoP had contributed one working-day salary to the war-affected and injured people.

Mr. Shawa clarified that all the contributions to be collected will be given to our children in Gaza in cooperation with UNICEF.

He also added that “this is only the beginning as we will, in the near future, work in cooperation with international humanitarian organizations to collect the needed donations by different means to help the children of Gaza because these children are our promising future.

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