In cooperation with official and private educational institutions Bank of Palestine, Palestine Education Fund and International Finance Corporation launch The Student Loan Program in both West Bank and Gaza Strip.

BOP, IFC and Palestine Educational Fund have launched a pioneer program to grant loans to university students to fund their high education. This program aims to minimize the burden of Palestinian families to pay the tuitions and fees of their family members. According to the agreement, BOP will manage and fund Student Loan Program for nine years and IFC will cover the cost of funding during the period of study and one year after graduation to enable students to pay back loan installments. IFC will assist BOP through its international expertise to minimize risk and encourage BOP to market the program to achieve its goals.


Mr. Hashim Shawa, General Manager of Bank of Palestine, said that this program will have an impact on several essential issues that will lead to the prosperity of the Palestinian economy as this program will guarantee the future of fresh graduates that are going to be enrolled in high education. BOP in cooperation with IFC and Palestine Educational Fund have created the fist lending program in Palestine that is similar to existing student loan programs in developed countries that is for the benefit of the student.


Contact Addresses


Washington, D.C:

Lodi Joseph

Phone +1 202 374 7700

Email: [email protected]


Ramallah , West Bank:

Yousef Habesch, International Finance Corporation

Phone: 0599-236651

Email: [email protected]


Ramallah, West Bank:

Kamel Husseini, Palestine Educational Fund Initiative/ PALTEL Association for Societal Development

Phone: 02-2944041 / 122

Email: [email protected]


Ramallah, West Bank :

Roshdi Ghalayini, Bank of Palestine PLC

Phone: 02-2965010

Email: [email protected]

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