Bank of Palestine concludes a series of training courses on banking risks, buying and selling currency futures and banking qualification for university students

Throughout its efforts to develop its employees’ human resources and management skills, Bank of Palestine concluded a series of training courses conducted in the training rooms located in its main branches in various governorates of the country. These courses included specializations of managerial and behavioral skills, collaborative training, financial management, investment, banking risks, banking operations, financing and banking credit.

The training programs included a training course for trainers specialized in gender, which was held in both Ramallah and Gaza and 20 employees benefited from this course; another course on collaborative training was conducted for university students in Gaza Strip, as 27 students benefited from this course. A course on investments, employment and foreign currency was held in both Ramallah and Gaza and 8 employees benefited from this course, and a course on operational risks was held in both Ramallah and Bethlehem and attended by 45 employees. Throughout its programs to develop human resources, the Bank also organized a course on buying and selling currency futures, indicators of money laundry and the application of know your customer policy in Gaza Strip and 42 employees benefited from this course; the last training course of this month was held on Sida loan guarantees in Gaza and 14 employees benefited from this course.

The series of programs are provided by Bank of Palestine’s management to enhance the employees’ performance and productivity, hone their skills, advance the services provided for customers and establish a human cadre able to cope with modern changes in the financial and banking sector; the Bank also aims to promote the concept of buying and selling foreign currency futures and the procedure of the service and its marketing, and to reach a conservative and cautious risk policy in order to achieve balance between the size of the risks and the expected return, and in order to monitor and control various aspects of risks independently, work on avoiding them, identify areas of deviation and educate all employees, especially staff of risks and regulatory departments.

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